Midwest Computech is one of the original pioneers of school outsourcing dating back to the mid to late ’90s. Most of the IT support service companies at the time only focused on businesses. Very few schools were outsourcing their technology and PCs and Macintosh Computers were being purchased and installed by school district staff. Very few people at the time had the qualifications, certifications, or know-how when it came to managing school computer networks. Schools called Midwest for help then and they are still calling today. That’s because we’ve earned their trust by fixing their technology problems, being transparent, easy to talk to, and we’re the best at what we do. As we celebrate our 40th year in Education Information Technology we reflect on our huge impact on K12 Education and over 30 years of experience outsourcing IT support services to schools. Schools today need outsourcing more than ever and they can rely on an excellent experience and long-lasting relationship with us.
Whether you’re a K12, Parochial, Independent, or Private school; you can benefit from partnering with Midwest Computech this school year and beyond. Back in the ’90s the computer systems were evolving but were still mostly manageable by school staff that had an interest in computers. Today, school technology is more expansive than ever including, cybersecurity, high availability firewalls, content filters, mobile device managers, servers, laptops, wireless connections, and much more. Most importantly, a school must have the proper security in place to mitigate the threat of cybercriminals breaching their networks.
Finding a partner that deeply understands the inner workings of schools AND one that can provide all the security solutions to protect taxpayer’s technology assets is mission critical. Your students, patrons, educators, and staff deserve high-quality solutions and attention to detail. It is dangerous to rely on a few internal technology people to assume the liability of your district. We strengthen your technology team and operations by providing in-depth support solutions. We’re experts at school technology and building lasting relationships with people. Give us a call and make your technology safe and reliable.